Also can we PLEASE stop using the word “crazy?”

Ideas for new blog posts: 

Reviewing the Number One Laboratory’s Amethyst Geode Silicone dildo and discuss the problems with companies like Chakrubs who sell “crystal” dildos sourced from areas they won’t disclose their relationships with, the overall unethical sales of crystal regarding mining labor, cultural appropriation, the fact that many times it’s just glass, the porosity, and the ridiculous upcharge.  But alas, I have yet to try the Number One Labs dil. 

Talking about my newest tattoo on my pubic bone of onion and garlic, what those foods have historically meant to me culture-wise, health-wise, and dysphoria-wise and how getting that tattoo was a way of reclaiming my body odor.  Talking about tattoos in general, how I stay away from cover-ups because I want to honor each tattoo for its respective time in my life no matter how ridiculous it seems now, also that I want to be accountable for these marks, allusions to SI scars and how every part of my body is a palimpsest of decisions. 

Talking about my experiences at S.L.A.M conferences and what it feels like to sit inside of performativity for as much as I wriggle to call it out, what it feels like to be among other white folx where conferences are centering BIPOC folx and how and when to be in that space.  How inevitably I will be bringing my shit in no matter my participation and it will always need examination before, during, after, and simultaneously I also need to be present in those moments to actually internalize (and compensate for) the work BIPOC individuals and communities are doing. 

Getting back to my punk roots, Ska Against Transphobia, DIY ethics, the battle vest, the importance of groundwork and sustained communication outside of social media, talking about SESTA/FOSTA, censorship, terms of (dis)service and how existing in a world before cellphones and internet as a young punk teen taught me the value of knowing the work is out there and the motivation to seek and promote it. 

I don’t know, y’all…the last semester of my (hopefully) final degree in Social Work is coming up, as are the overlapping themes, which tend to be the impetus for me to write, or sometimes they get so tangled into each other that I just want to spit at the screen.  I don’t give up.  I’ll never give up.  Productivity is white supremacy, my value and your value and OUR value isn’t determined by how much I create but fuck no I will never stop engaging in these discussions with a mindset that learning and loving is an eternal fire.  I guess I just wanted to plop these here as means to keep the embers burning.  For now.  And I know academia is a pyramid scheme, I am now understanding more and more that lots of people hide behind their values (myself included), and intentions don’t mean shit if the outcomes are dehumanized.  I’ll pause for now.  This just needed to exist somewhere.